Inner Quantum with Alexandra

Spiritual Mentor | Channeler | Modern Mystic

“ My life is full of miracles!
I’m being guided by an inner, higher guidance that’s been with me from the start of this encarnation.
Connecting to the Quantum energies has been one of the great blessings of my life as it allowed me to step fully into my Starseed nature and offer my gifts to the world.
I am not a healer; all healing is ultimately Self healing. All i do is refine my vessel to allow for the highest possible energy transmissions to occur, so all obstacles to healing dissolve naturelly and open the way for transformation.
Theres a natural flow of abundance that arises from living in Soul alignment and serving humanity in joy!”

Alexandra was born in Greece and grew up in Holland.

An early career in Dance and Fine Arts allowed her to live and work in such places as Paris, New York, Buenos Aires, Brasil etc. In her late twenties a severe traffic accident resulted in an NDE (near death experience) and a long hospitalization and recovery period, the impact of which sparked a spiritual awakening. Her subsequent spiritual quest led her to an immersion in yoga and Ayurveda with many trips to India to refine her practice.  She experienced the power of holistic healing firsthand.

dolores-and-alex-840x450_rightIn the wake of Alexandras full Spiritual Awakening unfolding over the years 2011-12, her spiritual path reached new depths marked by two synchronistic events that shaped her life well into the way she lives today.

In 2013 she was led to meet the world renowed hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon, the founder of the groundbreaking QHHT method or Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique which inspired her to take the Level II QHHT certification with her in person in England. Sadly this coincided with Dolores’ passing only a few months later in 2014.

Through her many years of working with Quantum modalities, Alexandra was guided by Spirit to create her own modality Transformational Quantum Healing (TQH) which is a powerful synthesis of all currently available higher harmonic quantum energies and fusing them with the healing properties of sound, Trance- Channeling and Light Language transmissions.

The other serendipitous event was meeting Lubna Kharusi, the founder of DIRA International, during one of her stints in Dubai in 2016.

DIRA International is a non-denominational, spiritual foundation, based in Muscat (Oman) offering a 7 Level Step program aiming to lead humanity from separation to Oneness and ultimately a life-fitting protocol to spiritual mastery and self-realisation.

All DIRA offerings are done by way of channel, as channeling Divine Source energy is the basic premise of DIRA and being a channeler becomes a way of life.

Alexandra has completed the DIRA Step program and is a DIRA level 7 facilitator.

Anyone can be a channeler of Divine Source Energy and become a force for good in the world, steering humanity through these pivotal years of Ascension and beyond! DIRA offers a wealth of programs online aswell as hosting the occasional physical (in person) retreats.

If you’re interested in channeling and joining this global movement, you can find all info about DIRA here !

Alexandra continues to build a thriving international practice and spiritual community, offering private/group sessions, workshops and courses teaching her own brand of quantum magic to people all over the world. She resides between Europe and The Gulf Region.

*Sessions can be done in English, Spanish, Dutch, or German


How does a session work?

Why do a Quantum Healing session?

People come for a QH session for many reasons. Sometimes people feel like they have lived before, in another time and a different place perhaps. They come out of curiosity to find answers and why they feel that way. To learn about their present life and what ‘went before’. Others come because they have recurrent issues in their life, patterns which keep returning concerning relationships, health, money etc. They desire to get an understanding of these patterns and the intention to change them.

Many people are attracted to QH because they seek healing from a disease. For clients struggling with addictions, pain, discomforts or depression Quantum Healing can offer a possibility to make their life better. Clients can receive instant and lasting healing during sessions.

Many times clients come because they have a vague, inner feeling they are meant to be doing something different with their life and need help / guidance to clarify what this inner knowing is, in order to align and start this new life journey. During a Quantum Healing session we can find answers to the Universe/Cosmos, what we call God, Source energy and our connection to it.

Any quantum healing session offers a look into the past, the present and a sneak peek into the future! A quantum session can be one of the most transformational experiences of your life; leaving you empowered and moving into a ‘new’ life far more in alignment with who truly you are and what you came here to do!

* Alexandra conducts sessions in English, Spanish, Dutch and German.



Dearest Alexandra,
Thank you so much for the fantastic session! You have helped me more than you could imagine.
Just talking to you felt good and felt right. You have an amazing energy and made me feel valued and accepted. I was relieved and happy to speak to such an enlightened soul and intelligent person as yourself.
I would love to share with you the impact of the session on me. The Higher Self kept working on my body throughout the night and I could feel a lot of movement inside. I was receiving more information and explanation on small, but not very important questions I had. More insights and messages about different things, except this time I was listening without tossing it away thinking it is my imagination.
Words are not enough to describe subtle changes, but I feel as if I had been in a cast, which has been finally removed. There is this sense of freedom and no blockage or rational from my mind.
I was so impressed with your professionalism, sensitivity and insight in connecting with me to conduct this session. You did it all, in the most appropriate and wonderful way. I am just so happy to have met you. Thank you,  Thank you , THANK YOU !!!
With much love and appreciation
NP, Dubai 2017

Adam Alexander, Barcelona 2016

My quantum healing session with Alex was one of those life changing experiences that ascends you to the next level of your own awakening to all that “is” and all that is “you”. Read more

Andrea, Barcelona

Mi experiencia con la regression y con Alexandra Kallos ha sido muy especial y excelente! Alexandra es toda una profesional en que poder confiar plenamente en cada momento. Read more

Carol, Barcelona

Después de la sesión me quedo una sensación como si se hubiera abierto una puerta y que al final no se hubiera cerrado… Read more

Donna G, Dubai ,2016

The Higher Self is of great importance to the sessions, this is the part of you that Alexandra really wanted to communicate with so that she could ask me questions in order to resolve current negative reoccurring patterns. Read more

Erica, Dubai 2015

En la regresión con Alexandra descubrí de donde vienen mis problemas de salud actuales, mi interés por el universo y mi amor por los delfines. Read more

Maria (Colombia), Barcelona 2016

La regresion con Alexandra fue estupenda, me encanto la forma como me fue relajando y llevando a comunicarme con mi sub-consiente. Read more

Vj, Dubai 2016

I feel so different after the session.. feel healed to be precise. . Read more

S. Ohmann, june 2015

Under the professional guidance of Alexandra Kallos, my very first QH session turned out to be a very positive and memorable experience. Read more

Shaheer, Barcelona 2015

I had no idea my QH session would have such a positive impact on my life! I heard about Dolores Cannon by accident and after doing a little bit of research contacted my nearest practitioner. Read more

Ewa, Barceloa 2016

A regression session with Alexandra is a fascinating experience! Though I have done one regression with somebody else before, I can now really say that I was in touch with my higher self. Read more


So now you are ready for your very own session with Alexandra!
Please fill out the form below and Alexandra will be in touch.

Due to high numbers of booking requests, Alexandra will aim to respond within 5 to 7 days.
Thank you !

    Best to Contact via Email:

    Barcelona (Spain)  (+34) 664 1459 41
    Dubai ( UAE )          —