My quantum healing session with Alex was one of those life changing experiences that ascends you to the next level of your own awakening to all that “is” and all that is “you”.
I had many alternative/spiritual experiences since I was very young and began reading astrological birth charts when I was a teenager and more recently since 2010 when I had an out of body experience, my quest for understanding became paramount.
I had no background knowledge of the quantum healing technique, all the reference I had were from a fairly new friend I had recently met in the UK who also does quantum healing who recommended it, and the preparation Alex had provided me in advance. I knew that it would assist in understanding the universe and my own personal path/or life mission.
Before the quantum healing session started, Alex and I talked and I explained some of my life experiences to make us feel comfortable and acquainted in an environment/situation that could be quite vulnerable for some, which is natural to feel, but I honestly felt I could trust Alex implicitly and I was meant to be there.
When we began the session, I expected it to take me a while to calm my active mind, but to my surprise with Alex’ graceful and delicate guidance I managed to glide into the meditative state fairly easily, and from there it was a very intense roller coaster ride of discovery in the most positive sense. You will get all the answers that you “need” at the specific time of having the quantum healing session, but be prepared to have more questions after the session, as it is so profoundly impacting that you may experience things you did not expect and have questions coming out you also wouldn’t expect to have.
I advise going in with an open mind, heart and body and let Alex assist in guiding you to connect to your higher self and what the universe wants to show you. Letting go is “key”. Remember that you will always be protected along the way.
Alex is a highly advanced, enlightened, dynamic, professional and gifted soul whom I believe is here is to assist and guide specific people in their own personal awakening to who they are and learn and teach the massive spectrum of all that “is”.
I would genuinely recommend quantum healing with Alex, it takes an extraordinary person to be able to guide people through such a profound and personal experience and equally it takes an extraordinary person to be able to receive the gift of quantum healing.
I really appreciate and thank Alex for sharing this gift with me.
Love, Light & Energy,
Adam Alexander, Barcelona 2016

Mi experiencia con la regression y con Alexandra Kallos ha sido muy especial y excelente! Alexandra es toda una profesional en que poder confiar plenamente en cada momento. Si hay cualquier cosita que podría desequilibrar la harmonia o el buen desarrollo de la sesión ella es capaz de solucionarlo con su experiencia y empatía. Para mi ha sido un experimento maravilloso porque no estuve cien por cien convencida. Ahora estoy deseando hacer mi segunda sesión para descubrir mas sobre mi… Gracias Alexandra!
Andrea, Barcelona

Después de la sesión me quedo una sensación como si se hubiera abierto una puerta y que al final no se hubiera cerrado, y de ahí estuvo saliendo mucho dolor que era incapaz de descifrar ni controlar, al mismo tiempo me pareció que gracias a la sesión mi corazón pudo empezar a dejar ir el rencor que lo habitaba.
Carol, Barcelona 2016

Testimonial from a young english woman who did a session with Alexandra in Dubai who was very happy with her session and wrote a detailled account of it that provides great information to how a session actually unfolds!
I was very fortunate to be given the opportunity to undergo a session of the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) with Alexandra Kallos who is a highly recognized Level II QHHT practitioner.
To prepare myself for the day I did some research to give myself some background on the subject and to know what to expect. However nothing could have prepared me for the journey that I would go on that day and the experience will remain with me for a long time.
After a lovely informal chat in the garden Alex and I moved to a quiet room with a relaxing ambience. It was here that we were able to have a more intricate conversation where I could give her as much information about myself as required In order for her to be confident enough to exert her expertise in her field. I was very comfortable and she was very competent and knowledgeable at leading the ‘interview’ in such a way that the details flowed well and nothing I said was embarrassing or ill received.
At no point did I feel that there was any urgency or rush, for example because she had to be somewhere else or a client was waiting, I was permitted as much time that was needed, the time was mine which made me feel valued and worthy of it. Alexandra helped me understand many aspects of my current life including my ongoing anxiety which also have a physical effect on my body, she pertained a wealth of information particularly related to spirituality.
Among other information that I was fortunate to receive that day, she informed me of the teachings of the seven Chakra points of the body which I found to be highly relevant to a particular issue that I was showing.
When we arrived at the hypnotism I was very open minded and I felt totally at ease because everything was explained to me with such accuracy and fluency beforehand. This began with relaxation through breathing exercises and I was talked into a deep trance where I could visit my unconscious mind. Although I was not completely unconscious, the details are not all lucid because of the trance like state, but fortunately the session is recorded for your own benefit so that you can revisit the session alone.
While hypnotized I was guided into a past life, the details of this I cannot reveal as they are extremely personal but I do not object to revealing that how eerily emotional I felt listening to what I was saying because of the significance that this has with things that have happened in my life.
The Higher Self is of great importance to the sessions, this is the part of you that Alexandra really wanted to communicate with so that she could ask me questions in order to resolve current negative reoccurring patterns.
During the initial ‘interview’ she picked up things that I would like to know the answer to in order to feel a sense of comfort in my life, and so without my initiating the questions I was fascinated to hear her ask my Higher Self these questions.
While I was in the hypnosis stage we also communicated with another spiritual side which was Guardian Angels, a truly insightful experience to hear that they may be more to life than what we see.
After I was woken I felt an extreme sense of weightlessness, I was very tired after the all of the emotional work that we had done but I felt free from all of my worries. I had a very pleasant night sleep that night and awoke to have a truly productive day the next day. I felt at peace with myself and others, I did not smoke as I felt no need to nor did I eat heavy comfort foods as I normally would to get through the day. I have also chosen to reduce the amount of meat that I eat as I can see that this was having an adverse effect on my health both physical and psychological, with the increase vegetables and healthier options I also feel an improved level of health.
I am very honored to have the opportunity to undergo the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, I will be sure to do this again.
Donna G, Dubai 2016

En la regresión con Alexandra descubrí de donde vienen mis problemas de salud actuales, mi interés por el universo y mi amor por los delfines.
Cada vida pasada me enseño valores y cualidades que necesito aplicar en el presente. En general fue una experiencia muy buena que invita a reflexionar y a repetir porque hay muchas cosas que descubrir. Gracias Alexandra!
Erica, Dubai 2015

Hola Alexandra,
La regresión con Alexandra fue estupenda, me encanto la forma como me fue relajando y llevando a comunicarme con mi sub-consiente.
Obtuve respuestas a las preguntas que quería hacer y siempre estuve protegida por mis guías en el Espiritu.
Ella es una persona muy cálida, inmediatamente tienes confianza como si la conocieras de hace tiempo.
Realmente esta preparada para hacer la regresión y la recomiendo por la experiencia o experiencias que tuve con su amorosa guía.
Maria (Colombia), Barcelona 2016

Hey Alexandra
Hope you are doing good. I feel so different after the session.. feel healed to be precise. .
My mind is at peace and things that used to bother me aren’t effective me a lot now.
Thanks for the magic.
Waiting for the mp3 to relive the moment.
Vj, Dubai 2016

Under the professional guidance of Alexandra Kallos, my very first QHHT session turned out to be a very positive and memorable experience. Till that moment the idea of making direct contact to my Higher Self and/or a past life felt a little scary. But Mrs Kallos’ warm comforting voice and loving presence felt so trustworthy that I could relax instantly and open up to whatever content would be revealed. I received powerful insights about my current life concerns and the glimpse of the past life that I visualized seemed directly related to an aspect of my present love life. I highly recommend working with Alexandra.
S. Ohmann, june 2015

I had no idea my QHHT session would have such a positive impact on my life! I heard about Dolores Cannon by accident and after doing a little bit of research contacted my nearest practitioner. Alexandra is extremely considerate and professional and I wasn’t disappointed. Many of us rarely give ourselves the love and compassion we all deserve in life. One afternoon with Alexandra makes you reassess this, and I’m eternally grateful for the experience.
My session with Alexandra wasn’t exactly what I expected;
However in the end it turned out to be something MUCH DEEPER and MORE RELEVANT to my life and who I am. The ‘problem’ was me and my expectations I guess. A QHHT session is about connecting with the purest parts of your true-self. That part which hasn’t been tainted by our fears, prejudices and belief systems. Connecting with that part of you is both a revealing and rewarding process.
Thank you, Alexandra
Shaheer, Barcelona 2015

A regression session with Alexandra is a fascinating experience! Though I have done one regression with somebody else before, I can now really say that I was in touch with my higher self. Alex is very skilled and professional in preparing you for the session; she addresses typical queries and fears and explains the whole procedure accurately. In the pre-conversation where the list of queries you bring is being discussed, she already manages to give you ideas what should be examined and where the links/patterns might be, which is already very valuable per se!
She guides you into relaxation state easily and I have to say that it was the first time in my life that I had the feeling to be in touch with a higher power, to have a connection that is beyond the physical.
For me, the best part of the session was the Q&A session with my higher self where I received replies to questions I have been carrying with me for a long time. The accuracy and clarity of the answers is astonishing! Given that the whole session is being recorded, this s is a valuable reference if you want to listen to some of the answers again – which I have done and might do again.
Another benefit I took from the session is that I know now what this instinctive feeling feels like when your higher self comes to voice in a situation. It helps me recognizing this voice on a day to day basis now. I can only repeat, this is a highly expansive and eye-opening experience and I can highly recommend Alexandra as therapist if you are interested in doing a regression! xxxx
Ewa, Barcelona 2015