Monthly Archives

August 2015

De que consiste QHHT?

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De que consiste QHHT? Una sesión se divide en tres partes:  Empezamos con una entrevista elaborada. Lo concluyamos con la lista de preguntas del cliente. Despues comenzamos la regresion actual. La hipnose actual podría durar unas 2 horas. En la primera parte de la regresion , mediante una meditacion dirijida y unas visualisaciones…

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Testimonial: Susanne Ohmann, 2015

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Testimonial: Susanne Ohmann, june 2015Under the professional guidance of Alexandra Kallos, my very first QHHT session turned out to be a very positive and memorable experience. Till that moment the idea of making direct contact to my Higher Self and/or a past life felt a little scary. But Mrs Kallos’…

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What is QHHT?

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What is QHHT? The QHHT method was created by our beloved teacher and author Dolores Cannon, to serve as a safe and certified way to guide people to Past Lives aswell as providing quantum healing in the process. It uses a deep level of trance to guide clients gently to explore other lifetimes and the possibility…

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