
What is QHHT?

By August 25, 2015QHHT

What is QHHT?

The QHHT method was created by our beloved teacher and author Dolores Cannon, to serve as a safe and certified way to guide people to Past Lives aswell as providing quantum healing in the process.
It uses a deep level of trance to guide clients gently to explore other lifetimes and the possibility to receive guidance concerning Life Purpose, health, professional and/or career issues, relationships etc.

How does it work ?

Basically a session is divided into three parts:

First up we begin with an extended interview in which you give me a detailled account of your life so far.

At the end of this conversation you will be able to put forward a list of important questions you have for the session.

In the second part we begin the actual hypnose, which leads us into a Past Life or Lives.

When the Past Life experience is concluded we move to the last part of the hypnose in which we allow the ‘Higher Self’ or ‘Divine Cosmic Spirit’ to connect with us.

This is the part where  all the personal questions from the list get addressed.
Things like Life Purpose, (love)relationships, family issues etc and a physical healing ( body-scan) is conducted aswell.

In the third and final part we take time to discuss the overall experience of the session.

Before we schedule a meeting, one should take the following into consideration:
The interview usually takes about an hour. The hypnose itself lasts about 2 hours and for the after talk we allow another hour or so.

So an entire session could take up about 4 to 5 hours.

Its important for you to realize this and to not be in any hurry!
Therefor i always advise not to schedule anything important afterwards.
One needs to allow some private time to fully process the experience and incorporate the insights gained within the session.

A Past Life Regression is a unique and profound experience. Often lifechanging.

The entire session will be recorded and the audio file will be send as an MP3  by mail for the client to listen back to it. It is proven to be very benificial to listen to the insights and messages on the recording many times over.


I am available for sessions tuesdays through saturdays.


Hopefully this information is useful.

If you have any doubts or further questions, or would like to schedule a session,

please don’t hesitate to contact me via email or phone.  
(00)34- 664 1459 41
or find me at FB Regressions Barcelona
Thank you and hope to meet you soon 😉

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