
Testimonial: Donna, Dubai 2016

By April 29, 2016QHHT

Ive had the good fortune to be invited to Dubai (UAE) on a few occasions to give sessions.
This is a city full of ‘ex-pats’ and this client was no exception. 
She’s a young english woman who was very happy with her session and wrote this wonderful
Donna G. Dubai, February 2016
I was very fortunate to be given the opportunity  to undergo a session of the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) with Alexandra Kallos who is a highly recognized Level II QHHT practitioner.

To prepare myself for the day I did some research to give myself some background on the subject and to know what to expect. However nothing could have prepared me for the journey that I would go on that day and the experience will remain with me for a long time.

After a lovely informal chat in the garden Alex and I moved to a quiet room with a relaxing ambience. It was here that we were able to have a more intricate conversation where I could give her as much information about myself as required In order for her to be confident enough  to exert her expertise in her  field. I was very comfortable and she was very competent and knowledgeable at leading the ‘interview’ in such a way that the details flowed well and nothing I said was embarrassing or ill received.
At no point did I feel that  there was any urgency or rush,  for example because she had to be somewhere else or a client was waiting, I was permitted as much time that was needed, the time was mine which made me feel valued and worthy of it. Alexandra helped me understand many aspects of my current life including my ongoing anxiety which also have a physical effect on my body, she pertained a wealth of information particularly related to spirituality.
Among other information that I was fortunate to receive that day, she informed me of the teachings of the seven Chakra points of the body which I found to be highly relevant to a particular issue that I was showing.

When we arrived at the hypnotism I was very open minded and I felt totally at ease because everything was explained to me with such accuracy and fluency beforehand. This began with relaxation through breathing exercises and I was talked into a deep trance where I could visit my unconscious mind. Although I was not completely unconscious, the details are not all lucid because of the trance like state, but fortunately the session is recorded for your own benefit so that you can revisit the session alone.

While hypnotized I was guided into a past life, the details of this I cannot reveal as they are extremely personal but I do not object to revealing that how eerily emotional I felt listening to what I was saying because of the  significance that this has with things that have happened in my life.
The Higher Self is of great importance to the sessions, this is the part of you that Alexandra really wanted to communicate with so that she could ask me questions in order to resolve current negative reoccurring patterns.
During the initial ‘interview’ she picked up things that I would like to know the answer to in order to feel a sense of comfort in my life, and so without my initiating the questions I was fascinated to hear her ask my Higher Self these questions.

While I was in the  hypnosis stage we also communicated with another spiritual side which was Guardian Angels, a truly insightful experience to hear that they may be more to life than what we see.

After I was woken I felt an extreme sense of weightlessness, I was very tired after the all of the emotional work that we had done but I felt free from all of my worries. I had a very pleasant night sleep that night and awoke to have a truly productive day the next day. I felt at peace with myself and others, I did not smoke as I felt no need to nor did I eat heavy comfort foods as I normally would to get through the day. I have also chosen to reduce the amount of meat that I eat as I can see that this was having an adverse effect on my health both physical and psychological, with the increase vegetables and healthier options I also feel an improved level of health.

I am very honored to have the opportunity to undergo the Quantum  Healing  Hypnosis Technique, I will be sure to do this again.