
Wisdom from my morning tea;)

By April 30, 2017Food for thought, QHHT

Just before my mornings’ meditation, i sit down to enjoy a cup of herbal tea to calm my mind, easing its way into an hourlong sitting meditation.
I like a brand called Yogi tea, that comes with little tags on which spiritual, philosophical quotes are printed.
“You are unlimited” was this mornings offering.
It made me smile, thinking how good it is to be reminded of it.
I proceeded to my usual spot, crossed my legs and began my meditation.

While setting my “intention’ for the meditation, i felt a nudge to ask for being taken to a ‘healing temple’ and receive some guidance from my highest divine aspects.
This “healing temple” request originated from an occasion when i did sessions with a fellow practitioner, Charlotte Daniel, in which i got taken to a wonderful off planet place, full of round crystal ‘structures’, mainly in pink and moonstone shades.
The highlight was floating towards a “crystal waterfall’ of sorts. Though the waterfall wasn’t actually water ‘flowing”, it was more like a liquid type of energy emenating from the crystals, looking like a waterfall. Thats the best way to describe it;)
The healing energies were just pure bliss, so soft and energizing my whole body!
Next thing was Charlotte, in her session, demanding to be taken to the “same place as Alexandra went to”, because “she needed a holiday and wanted a respite from the sessions where she was always ‘working so hard”. LOL
This resulted in her getting taken to the same magical crystal healing place, floating through this wonderful ‘waterfall” in total rapture.

As i connect to my HS (Higher Self) easily, i often use my meditations to do a short HS connection, putting in a request for a visit to that same place.
So i had the pleasure of actually returning there many times.

This morning i expected to be taken down the same route but the playful-powers-that-be had a surprise in store.
Soon my subconscious conjured up a setting of a type of gorge between two mountains. When the image solidified more i could make out the mountains better; they were quite lush and green, their peaks shrouded in a mist.
But it was quite clear that this was not a real 3 D place, it was more like a ‘representation’ of a place. I got comfortable in this ‘space’ feeling very peaceful and curious.
All of a sudden an epic waterfall starts bursting through this ‘gorge’ . Imagine a cascade of water of epic proportions!
I could feel its freshness; cool and crystal clear mystical water gushing down on me.
I recently learned in a session that waterfalls are very high vibrational places, hence being the naturel playground for earth fairies, devas and many multi-colored orbs.
That thought popped into my mind and immideately i ‘saw’ countless orbs flying around, being playful at the waterfalls edge.
It made me laugh loudly inside and the next moment saw these orbs actually merging with the water, entering my skin, flowing throughout my entire body. Energising, literally lighting up every cell of my blood, bones and organs. Amazing!
As my consciousness zoomed out a bit again, i noticed a beautiful rainbow emerging from the mist.
Majestic as it bridged the two mountain tops with its vibrant colors. Then this one, single rainbow morphed into several rainbows, varying in sizes and intensity, collapsing into a kaleidoscopic pattern repeating itself into infinity…
It was dazzling floating through these rainbows, electrifying my body.

I have no idea how long it lasted, but when i started to come up again from this journey, my HS rounded it off by saying to me telepathically: “You asked. We delivered. Simple”.

It put such a fat smile on my face as im connecting the dots to the teabag quote.

Have a freakin’ good weekend everyone,

much love!

Walk in Light