Just the other week a young lady from Chili came for a session in my office in Barcelona.
We already had enjoyed quite the lenghty email communication and i was very excited about doing the session with her.
Her session was nothing short of amazing; she turned out to be a Starseed and a Volunteer and we not only connected to her cosmic, galactic family but also got answers to all of her questions.
Its not every day that you connect with someone on such a deep level and i felt both blessed having met such a remarkable woman and blessed for having been able to facilitate this amazing session with her!
She gifted me with this testimonial; feeling lots of GRATITUDE..;)
whoa, i really lOVE my job😉
“The session with Alexandra has been one truly happy experience. Many years of my life I have felt lonely and out of place, and through the session I have discovered a new meaning for family and sense of being that I have been missing for many years of my life. Now I feel that the part that was missing is finally here and I feel more confident and supported than ever before.
I feel that nothing is a coincidence. Having Alexandra facilitating this session was a true gift, her energy is so special that made it all easier for me. I must also thank Dolores Cannon as she is a very important part in this experience, for being open in bringing this gift to humankind.
This session is like nothing I have ever experienced before and the healing and re connecting goes on so many levels that makes this session a life changing event. I am forever grateful and humbled by this. I just can say that I am happier than I have ever been.
Thanks again!”
Barcelona May 18
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