Last saturday the 18 th of October , our beloved Teacher and
Maestra Dolores Cannon passed over to the other side of the veil.
In retrospect it was even more amazing to see her again in Glastonbury, England,
last July 2014 when i concluded the Level II.
And we all -practioners- really thought she would be around and share her wisdom and light for many more years, as she seemed so a-live and indestructible.
But it seems she lived out her Purpose with great presence, light and joy, till the very end…
Dolores has touched many, many lives profoundly, including mine.
Thank you Dolores, for bringing so much Light to this planet and igniting this Light in meNamaste
Last saturday the 18 th of October , our beloved Teacher and
Maestra Dolores Cannon passed over to the other side of the veil.
In retrospect it was even more amazing to see her again in Glastonbury, England,
last July 2014 when i concluded the Level II.
And we all -practioners- really thought she would be around and share her wisdom and light for many more years, as she seemed so a-live and indestructible.
But it seems she lived out her Purpose with great presence, light and joy, till the very end…
Dolores has touched many, many lives profoundly, including mine.
Thank you Dolores, for bringing so much Light to this planet and igniting this Light in meNamaste
Dolores and me in Glastonbury,UK, 2014
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